Do Haeng Michael Kitchen

Writer. Attorney. Detroit City FC Til I Die.

July 7, 2019
NPSL Regular Season match
Concordia University, Ann Arbor, MI
Attendance: ???
AFC Ann Arbor 1, Detroit City FC 3

DCFC Shawn Lawson (Kervin Kenton) 17′
DCFC Shawn Lawson (Danny Deakin) 43′
DCFC Shawn Lawson (Tendai Jirjira) 90′
AFC AA William Eskay 90′

Record:  9-3-1 = 30 points   1st Place

Sunday afternoon in Ann Arbor is tree-cutting day, as the Mighty Oak became timber, and City secured a playoff spot in the Great Lakes Division.


On this hot afternoon, the Northern Guard were secluded to a separate bleacher section.  It was so full many of us sat in the Ann Arbor section.  Perhaps the better fit would have been to seat the Ann Arbor fans in the side section and the Northern Guard in the elevated stands.


City wasted little time putting on the pressure.  In the 17th minute, Shawn Lawson scores to give City the lead.

As the half neared its conclusion, Shawn Lawson scored again.

It was another tough, nail-biting match against the Mighty Oak, however the clock and City’s dominating defense held firm.  Shawn Lawson completed the hat trick as the clock hit 90 minutes.

Will Eskay put a meaningless goal in for Ann Arbor, but none of us down in the Northern Guard section saw it because we were still celebrating Lawson’s goal and the victory which was moments away.

Here’s an interesting statistic about this weekend.  Between this match and the Friday match against Grand Rapids, the goals scored, in order, look like this:

Grand Rapids FC = 1
Shawn Lawson = 4
AFC Ann Arbor = 1

Shawn outscored both Grand Rapids and Ann Arbor, combined.



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